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From: Reid Sweatman (reids_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-07-09 17:14:45

> Yes, I hope we can build a new category. Papers? That seems archaic
> when a lot of this stuff never graces a printed page anymore.
> "Articles" seems a bit better to me.
> >Since Boost is a repository of libs with good programming practice,
> and
> >since these are often discussed in this list, perhaps distil some of
> the
> >emails into a tips section of the list (rather like Allan Clarke's
> tips
> >culled from the newsgroups)
> >
> >This would make Boost more than a 'library' site, but I suspect
> still
> >promote the same practices that the originators intended when
> providing the
> >site in the first place.
I really like the idea of such a repository, too. However, how about simply
calling it "Good Programming Practices?" Since that's basically what it is.
Or (although it smacks of MS, and who knows, they probably trademarked the
word) how about calling it a Knowledge Base?

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