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From: Darin Adler (darin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-02-15 14:32:19

> 5. I think you may need "typename" on the "const T value_" and "T&
> variable_", and maybe the typedefs too. I've never been able to figure out
> what the requirements are. Does anyone know of a good (easily
> understandable) reference for learning where typename is required?

You definitely don't need typename in those cases. The only reference I know
of is the standard, and I'd love to find something easier to understand.

In a nutshell, it's only dependent types that require typename. A template
parameter itself is not a dependent type. It requires a template parameter
on the left side of something with a "::" in it, for the most part.

    -- Darin

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