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From: Kevlin Henney (kevlin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-03-18 10:59:42

In message <B4F907EE.2F78%abrahams_at_[hidden]>, Dave Abrahams
<abrahams_at_[hidden]> writes
>You're picking nits. The right way to interpret the standard (according to
>its intent) is implemented in the STLport's auto_ptr. Check it out sometime.
>P.S. Yes, there is a bug in the standard. It's being fixed.

I am fully aware of the fact that it needs fixing, that it is being
fixed for future, and what that fix is. All I was pointing out is that
the standard version of auto_ptr does not support the conversion problem
you indicated, because it does not normatively support the conversion

  Kevlin Henney Curbralan Ltd
  kevlin_at_[hidden] +44 (0) 7801 073 508

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