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From: Valentin Bonnard (Bonnard.V_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-08-03 11:25:31

Joe Gottman wrote:

> I think library writers want to be
> able to write code that uses threads without knowing what thread
> implementation a given client will use.

If we don't want to impose a particular implementation, yes.

> Since the client should know at
> compile time what thread implementation he will use, if the library writer
> can write a template class that takes a Thread class as one of its template
> parameters then the client can instantiate the template with whatever kind
> of threads work on his machine.

But why do you need templates ?

> This only works, however, if there is some
> common interface that the template writer can assume is used by any
> implementation.

Indeed. Some people have questioned wether such a common interface
is realistic. But Java did it, why not C++ ?

Valentin Bonnard

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