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From: David Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-10-11 07:33:25

From: "Lois Goldthwaite" <loisg_at_[hidden]>

> Doesn't this 'optimization' conflict with the return value optimization?
> I'd also want to run some timing tests to see if calling
> uncaught_exception() is really faster than making a temporary copy or
> two of the underlying type.
> Not-really-competent-to-masquerade-as-a-core-language-lawyer-ly yours,

Whew! I was impressed, anyway.

I see that I've infected lois with the pythonic tag line syndrome. FYI, I
can't take credit (or blame) for this style - my friend and Python guru Tim
Peters closes every post on comp.lang.python with such a line. It's just my
feeble attempt to inject a little levity into the all-too-serious world of

credit-where-credit-is-due-ly y'rs,

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