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From: starlett (andrei.verovski_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-10-30 01:10:18


I have a proposal for reorganization of boost CVS repository. I found
that some submissions are really interesting and time to time uploaded
and/or updated at eGroups file archive. Why not to add them to CVS
directory called "submissions"?

It is just much more convenient to download them using CVS client rather
www/ftp client ! it was objective of CVS developemnt to always keep
source code archive up to date with few mouse clicks.

if certain submission is too buggy or useless it could be deleted anytime
without no problem. Moving submissions to the CVS repository will sure
make them more visible to other boost users.

Most probably admins of boost CVS repository have to handle this task.

Please tell what do you think.

Andrei Verovski

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