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From: Howard Hinnant (hinnant_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-11-01 13:40:15

Gary Powell wrote on 11/1/2000 1:25 PM

>That makes no sense.

The language people just like to irritate us mortals. Did I mention that
templates were added into the language on April 1? ;-)

template<class T> class f{}; // #1
template<> class f<int *> {}; // #2
template<class T> class f<T *> {}; // #3

#1 and #3 are overloads. #2 is a specialization of either #1 or #3
depending upon order, or who you talk to. Overloads are chosen
irrespective of specializations, then once an overload is chosen,
specializations of that particular overload are considered... Or
something like that. I'm just parroting what I've heard and may have
goofed it up in the translation.


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