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From: Hubert.Holin_at_[hidden]
Date: 2000-12-21 17:46:54

Paris (U.E.), le 21/12/2000


                I am most interested in any help or opinion in the matter!

                By the way, it turns out I forgot a dependency of my file, so
I uploaded "special_functions.h" to correct that (this one does not
have any further non-standard dependency); sorry for the inconvenience.

                        Hubert Holin

--- In boost_at_[hidden], Gary Powell <Gary.Powell_at_s...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't have a current use, but I have friends who use them in their game
> engines. (The graphics rendering code.) So yes, if you have a good library,
> or would like a contact who I think would be glad to help, let me know. So
> yes boost is a good place for this. (I think my friend told me that he found
> some other web sites with quaternions on them, so if you haven't searched
> you should.)
> While boost shouldn't be come the catch all for any old C++ library, I
> think any general purpose library should be welcome. Where my definition of
> general purpose, is a library which spans at least two problem domains.
> -gary-
> gary.powell_at_s...

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