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From: Daryle Walker (darylew_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-02-06 12:18:34

I'm trying to make a CRC class library, and I can't get my latest version to
link because I'm screwing up defining, not declaring, class-static data
members of a class template. I put what I have so far (version 0) in file
<>. I thought that what I
have in lines 134-140 of file "crc.hpp" was sufficient for a definition, but
I get the following errors:

Link Error : undefined 'boost::detail::crc_table<32, 79764919>::did_init_'
Referenced from 'boost::detail::crc_table<32, 79764919>::lookup(unsigned
char)' in crc_test.cpp

Link Error : undefined 'boost::detail::crc_table<32, 79764919>::table_'
Referenced from 'boost::detail::crc_table<32, 79764919>::lookup(unsigned
char)' in crc_test.cpp

Link Error : undefined 'boost::detail::crc_table<16, 32773>::did_init_'
Referenced from 'boost::detail::crc_table<16, 32773>::lookup(unsigned char)'
in crc_test.cpp

Link Error : undefined 'boost::detail::crc_table<16, 32773>::table_'
Referenced from 'boost::detail::crc_table<16, 32773>::lookup(unsigned char)'
in crc_test.cpp

Link Error : undefined 'boost::detail::crc_table<16, 4129>::did_init_'
Referenced from 'boost::detail::crc_table<16, 4129>::lookup(unsigned char)'
in crc_test.cpp

Link Error : undefined 'boost::detail::crc_table<16, 4129>::table_' (data)
Referenced from 'boost::detail::crc_table<16, 4129>::lookup(unsigned char)'
in crc_test.cpp


I'm using Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro 5 (with 5.3 update) for the (regular)
Mac OS. Am I screwing up the syntax, or is there a compiler deficiency, or
am I asking for the impossible?

Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT mac DOT com

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