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From: Toon Knapen (toon_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-03-09 11:43:35

Would there be any interest in developing a multi-dimensional array
(vector, matrix, ...) library at Boost ?

The intent would be to have an easy to use interface and
high-performance implementation for use in scientific applications or
whereever multi-dimensional data structure need to be manipulated.
Following features would at least have to be in there:
_ templated value_type
_ Expression Templates for performant and easy interface (e.g. `y = A *
x + b` without tmp's)
_ dense and sparse matrices
_ support for slices / subarrays
_ common linear algebra operations (addition, multiplication of
matrices, ....)

There are already some libraries doing all/some of the above but I'm
sure that the boost development process and development approach is able
to produce a next level of matrix libary with respect to quality,
portability and functionality.
This way, hopefully some kind of standard can be realised (you hear the
whole time of new matrix libaries popping up, again and again) such that
there's totally no excuse anymore (even for scientists) to stay with
Fortran 77/90.

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