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From: johan_ericsson_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-06-12 14:06:45

I looked over the smart pointers at, and I was surprised not to
find a pointer defined to give value-semantic behavior to polymorphic types.
I have been using such a pointer for a while now in my code, and I have
found it to great use.

Is there a reason why such a pointer has not been included in the libraries?
Is it too basic? Are there well-known limits, or problems to using such a

Here is the code for the pointer that I am using. (Please excuse the
psuedo-hungarian notation). Its not a full featured class, but it should
demonstrate the essentials.

This could be used with any polymorphic type that has a well defined const
Clone() member function.

template <class T> // T requires a Clone() method
class CPolyPtr
    CPolyPtr():m_Pointer(NULL){} //default constructor:for serialization
    CPolyPtr(const CPolyPtr& ptr) : m_Pointer(NULL) //copy constructor
        if (ptr.m_Pointer.get())
            m_Pointer = auto_ptr<T>(ptr.m_Pointer->Clone());
    explicit CPolyPtr(const T& t) //conversion constructor
        m_Pointer = auto_ptr<T>(t.Clone());
    const CPolyPtr& operator=(const CPolyPtr& ptr)
        CPolyPtr newPtr(ptr); //invoke copy constructor
        m_Pointer = newPtr.m_Pointer;
        return *this;
        //temp copy goes out of scope here

    const T* operator->() const {return &get();}
    T* operator->() {return &get();}

    const T& get() const {ASSERT(m_Pointer.get());return *m_Pointer.get();}
    T& get() {ASSERT(m_Pointer.get());return *m_Pointer.get();}
    auto_ptr<T> m_Pointer;

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