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From: Fernando Cacciola (fcacciola_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-22 09:07:09

----- Original Message -----
From: Serge Pashkov <psw_at_[hidden]>
To: <boost_at_[hidden]>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 4:34 AM
Subject: [boost] Subject: RE: Re: Unlimited integer

> Hello,
> --- In boost_at_y..., "Fernando Cacciola" <fcacciola_at_g...> wrote:
> >There are at least two more C Libraries for numerical computations along
> >lines of GMP:
> >The LiDIA library: (which
> >forgot when I made the first list) and
> >The PARI project:
> >The three of them, GMP, LiDIA and PARI, are {currently} Unix-only, so I
> >don't think they can be standardized (or boostified).
> >(they can be installed on a unix-on-windows host, such as mingw/cygwin;
> >not on win32)
> This is not correct.
> 1. LiDIA can be installed without unix-on-windows host. E.g. you can
> download precompiled libraries which can be used without mingw/cygwin
> etc. But for library build they are really using GNU make for building
> via MSVC compiler tools (cl, link, lib etc).
> Using GNU make is not really necessary, you can rewrite supplied makefiles
> for your favorite make tool, some time ago I did it for
> Watcom wmake. Surely this can bo done for nmake etc.
In see.
I think that we should notify the developers that this fact is far from
clear on their online documentation.
They provide a chart of supported platforms and Windows is only mentioned
through unix-on-windows.
I'll drop an email to them,

> 2. LiDIA has not the own bignum kernel, only C++ interface to it.
> You can choose several different (CLN, GMP, libI, Piologie,
> last one is optimized for MSVC usage and default with precompiled
> Win32 library).

Now here you are right.
I apologize for the miss information.

> But not all bignum kernels are
> portable to Win32 (without cygwin), CLN, which is default for CORE,
> probably not.
As far as I know CLN is not portable, but then again it might be a matter of
trying to adapt the build system as you did with LiDIA, don't know.

Fernando Cacciola
Sierra s.r.l.

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