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From: Michael Kenniston (Msk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-07-10 11:40:36

> Date: Tue Jul 10, 2001 3:13 pm
> Subject: New file uploaded to boost
> This email message is a notification to let you know that
> a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the boost
> group.
> File : /quantity/
> Uploaded by : Msk_at_X...
> Description : Current version of the Quantity library.
> You can access this file at the URL

A more complete version of the "Quantity" library is now
in the boost files area. All the basic functionality is there,
including compile-time checking of dimensions for compatability,
integer powers and roots, lots of predefined units, and even
a bit of documentation. There are two simple programs that
exercise it: a demo program that plays with the features, and
a quick performance test to see whether it runs as fast as
it's supposed to. It compiles and runs cleanly under:

 - Win-NT/MSVC6
 - Win-NT/g++ 2.95.3-4(cygwin).
 - SunOS/g++ 2.95.2

Since my intention was to maximize portability, I'd love to
hear the results if anyone wants to try it out under other
compiler/OS combos. There is no special makefile; you just
do a "g++ -I. main.cpp" or the equivalent.

Remaining work:
 - continue improving the documentation and example program
 - properly boostify the directory structure
 - add a really thorough regression test suite
 - add boost build and test config stuff

I'm still trying to get in touch with the Fermilab folks about
their SIunits library, but in any event I believe this Quantity
library is worth considering for boost because it appears to be
much more portable than SIunits.

I decided to get a fully working version uploaded for people to start
playing with before I seriously considered the many suggested features
from mailing list contributors. Fractional exponents, type-checking
(as opposed to dimension-checking), decibels and Ph, dynamic dimensions,

etc. are all good ideas but will have to wait a little while. Even
without all that, the library should still be useful.

And for all you trivia buffs, how many different units of measurement
are each called a "ton"? The answer is in rationale.html. :-)

- Michael Kenniston

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