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From: David Abrahams (david.abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-07-21 12:15:44

[It would be polite to identify yourself by name in the future]

Since you asked, I have a set of functions that need to be evaluated
repeatedly. The set of functions is designated by a type_list of tags
identifying the particular functions. Each tag has an associated argument
which needs to be passed to the corresponding function. So, I need to
iterate over the type list of tags and call the designated functions with
the arguments stored in the associative container.


Sample code is attached below.

----- Original Message -----
From: "HYS" <hys420_at_[hidden]>

> What are you trying to do with this 'map'?


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <boost/type_traits/same_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/compressed_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/type_list.hpp>

template <class TypeMap, class Tag>
struct is_head_tag
    typedef typename TypeMap::head_type head_type;
    typedef typename head_type::first_type key_type;
    enum { value = boost::is_same<Tag, key_type>::value };

template <bool found, class TypeMap, class Tag>
struct typemap_find_helper
    typedef typename TypeMap::tail_type tail_type;
    enum { found_next = is_head_tag<tail_type,Tag>::value };
    typedef typemap_find_helper<found_next,tail_type,Tag> next_helper;

    typedef typename next_helper::type type;
    static type find(TypeMap& m) { return next_helper::find(m.tail); }

template <class TypeMap, class Tag>
struct typemap_find_helper<true,TypeMap,Tag>
    typedef typename TypeMap::head_type head_type;

    typedef typename head_type::second_type type;
    static type find(TypeMap& m) { return m.head.second(); }

template <class TypeMap, class Tag>
struct typemap_find
    enum { at_head = is_head_tag<TypeMap,Tag>::value };
    typedef typemap_find_helper<at_head,TypeMap,Tag> helper;
    typedef typename helper::type type;
    static type find(TypeMap& m) { return helper::find(m); }

template <class TypeMap>
struct print_type : boost::mpl::expression_statement
    template <class Key> struct body
        typedef print_type<TypeMap> next_statement;

        static inline void execute(TypeMap* m)
                << "type = " << typeid(Key).name();

                << ", value= " << typemap_find<TypeMap,Key>::find(*m)
                << std::endl;

namespace boost {
namespace mpl {

template<class T>
struct is_expression_statement< print_type<T> >
    BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = true);

} // namespace mpl
} // namespace boost

template <class TypeMap, class TypeList>
void print_values(TypeMap m, TypeList)
    typedef boost::mpl::for_each<TypeList,print_type<TypeMap> > loop;

struct tag1 {};
struct tag2 {};
struct tag3 {};

int main()

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