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From: duncan_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-08-09 03:51:08

ross.s_at_[hidden] (Ross Smith) wrote:

> As far as naming goes, my main problem is with the terms "join" and
> "detach". I've never been able to figure out why pthreads uses those
> peculiar names.

You may could make the same argument for the word 'thread' itself.
'join' and 'detach' are by analogy with 'thread' surely? But if we
carried on we should have 'split' instead of 'create' or 'start' and
'cut' instead of 'terminate' or 'cancel'. I do agree that join is not
particularly self-explanatory. It is not clear enough from the analogy
with thread exactly what it does. What about "wait_for_exit"?

I don't agree with 'abandon'. It has too many connotations of

Duncan Harris, Sapio Design Ltd, Manchester, U.K.

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