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From: williamkempf_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-08-10 17:32:19

--- In boost_at_y..., "Scott McCaskill" <scott_at_m...> wrote:
> It appears that someone has removed the Jamfiles for the threads
> from the CVS repository. This makes it difficult to build the
> What's up with that?

I'm working hard at a lot of things in Boost.Threads preparing it for
the immenant submission. The old Jamfiles have been replaced with
new Jamfiles in different locations ;). Things have been modified to
follow the same general design as was used in Python, as I expect
this to be a closer basis for what Boost may eventually standardize
on for how to structure this stuff. So, if you check out all of
threads-initial you should now find that there's a
boost/libs/thread/build directory with a Jamfile for the library.
There's also a Jamfile under boost/libs/thread/test to build and run
the unit-test. The final Jamfile is in boost/libs/thread/example
which builds all the example programs. If you can't find them then
please let me know since that likely means I screwed something up in

BTW, the Jamfiles are currently known to work only with MSVC++, so if
you're using another compiler/platform I'm not sure how they'll work
for you.

Bill Kempf

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