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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-08-20 12:41:31

At 09:35 AM 8/20/2001, Peter Dimov wrote:

>Yes, and last I checked, finding the library you're interested in in the
>big log file was not a pleasant experience. :-)

Look at it with an editor, and do a find on the test name? Is that really
all that difficult?

>I want to propose a better solution. The tests should be organized in
>groups by library. In addition to the full .cpp/result table we'll have
>a 'collapsed' table that would have library/result rows, with the
>results in a 'pass', 'fail', or '4/7' form. This will not only solve
>the problem with the bind tests but apply to the already existing tests
>as well; for instance, static_assert has 9 tests.

Dave Abrahams has begun work to allow regression tests to be run by
Boost.Build. It probably isn't worthwhile to make changes to the current
system until we see how Dave's work plays out.


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