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From: Eric Friedman (ebf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-09-24 19:36:41

--- In boost_at_y..., "Scott McCaskill" <scott_at_m...> wrote:
> > As for changing the name... one name change request that's been
> > several times that I've ignored I'd like to address one last time.
> > The notify_one() and notify_all() methods on condition are more
> > traditionally known as signal() and broadcast() respectively. I
> > persuaded to change them at one point, but I'm feeling like this
> > a mistake. I'm leaning towards changing them but I'll need to do
> > in the next day or two, so one final chance to argue this one.
> >
> notify_one and notify_all are more descriptive of what these
methods do and
> their relationship to each other. Those who are already familiar
> signal and broadcast will almost certainly already understand the
> functionality behind those names and should have little trouble
equating new
> names with concepts they already understand.
> For those with less knowledge of the underlying concepts,
descriptive names
> will be beneficial, while historical names may not be. broadcast
is not
> bad, since it implies a potential one-to-many style of
> However, I can't see how one could interpret signal to be a
counterpart to
> broadcast (historical uses aside)--the definition of signal does
not imply a
> one-to-one relationship between the signaller and the signalled.

I agree entirely with Scott on this issue. Being one of "those with
less knowledge of the underlying concepts," I can personally testify
that I would not have immediately understood the difference between
notify_one and notify_all if signal and broadcast had been used

Another naming issue that has been raised before, and which I do not
feel has ever been addressed thoroughly, deals with semaphore::up()
and semaphore::down(). I feel strongly that these should instead be
named semaphore::increment() and semaphore::decrement(),
respectively. This change would serve only to clarify the meaning of
these functions for the following reasons:

  1) "Increment" and "decrement" are verbs. While "up" and "down"
also have verb uses, their use as adjectives, adverbs, etc. is much
more common. A verb naming implies an action being done; an
adjectival naming implies a property being returned. Since the
latter is obviously not the case here, "increment" and "decrement"
are the less ambiguous and thus, IMO, the better choices.

  2) Since a "semaphore" (in English) is "a system of visual
signaling by two flags held one in each hand" (from, the
names "up" and "down" make the subtle implication to an inexperienced
user that a semaphore can be only "up" or "down" (as a flag can only
be up or down) -- which is obviously not the case with a
boost::semaphore. Rather, since these are counting
semaphores, "increment" and "decrement" instantly convey the multi-
valued possibilities of the semaphore rather than that of boolean
up/down values.

Is there something about semaphores that I am just not understanding
here? I don't think so, but I'd be happy to learn otherwise.

Eric Friedman

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