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From: Eric Ford (eford_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-02 11:11:20

> Yea, I agree. I'm not convienced rational powers are all that
> important, so I generally just duck that entire issue. The only way
> of doing it that I can see would be to use sqrt(lbs) is a natural
> object, then make it the unit and have lbs = (sqrt(lbs))^2.

For example, in the cgs system widely used for electromagnetic
calculations, electric charge has dimensions of length^(3/2) *
mass^(1/2) / time^2. Similar fractional power appear for electric
current, electric field, magnetic field, etc.. I beleive any unit
library which can't handel them rational powers on dimensions and unit
should not have a chance at becoming standardized.


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