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From: Fernando Cacciola (fcacciola_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-02 16:23:29

----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Lien <tgunlien_at_[hidden]>
To: <boost_at_[hidden]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 3:50 PM
Subject: [boost] Re: Grid Response from helmut

> > What is the difference between your grid and a
> > matrix?
> I chose the name grid because in my mind, Matrix
> implies a NUMERICAL grid, which my current
> implementation would not have to be restricted to.
Perhaps you can use the term "Lattice".
A Lattice is a "uniform arrangement of equally spaced elements"
The term is used, for instance, in Computer Graphics to refer to the data
structure used to store digital images.

AFAICT, a matrix can be seen as a lattice of numbers.

> > Why do you fix the dimensions ROW/COL at compile
> > time?
> This decision was made to prevent improper operations
> at compile time such assignment of a grid with
> different dimensions to another (clearly a bad thing).
I'm not sure what do you mean with: "improper operations at compile time
such as assignment"
Assignment is not a compile-time operation.
Do you mean to detect at compile time that your are mixing grids of
different sizes?
If that's the case, are you sure that you want to have a complete class just
in order to detect slicing, given that any ordinary fixed-but-runtime sized
array class (such as a matrix class) can detect that at runtime?
Are there any other advantages on fixing the size at compile time?

Fernando Cacciola
Sierra s.r.l.

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