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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-03 11:22:33

On Wednesday 03 October 2001 11:33, you wrote:
> Hello, all -
> I'm seeing an error in the Win32 regression test logs when compiling
> test_pool_alloc.cpp that doesn't make much sense to me. I'm attaching it
> to the end of this e-mail; the only thing I can think of is maybe that
> <new> isn't being included soon enough???
> Could someone more familiar with Comeau (or with access to their compiler)
> offer some input? Thanks!
> -Steve

I've run into the same problem with Comeau and libcomo in
Boost.Function, but have not found a solution. Oddly, STLport doesn't have
this problem even in strict mode.


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