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From: mfadl2_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-10-09 12:32:17

I have a proplem compiling this program :

The local vet has installed a new computer system and wants to keep a
of all the animals which are treated. Design and implement a program
creates a data file which stores an ID number, a short description of
animal treated, the time taken (in minutes) for the treatment and the
charged. The program is to be interactive. The vet will periodically
type in
data on the keyboard and the program will then store the data in a
file for
future reference.

For the purposes of this exercise, use the filename 'PETS.DAT'. The
cost of a consultation is $20.00 and the maximum is RM500.00.
Assume all other fields are valid. The format of the resultant data
should look something like this:

1 short haired dog 25 40.50
2 siamese cat 15 28.90
3 monty python 75 180.00
4 pet mice 15 29.99

Field width estimates are left to the program designer. You are
to: -

·Analyse and summarise the requirements of the problem in point form.
·Design a solution using an appropriate design tool eg. Pseudocode.
Implement the design using Microsoft Visual C++.

Assignment standards: All summaries, designs, programs listings etc
are to
be securely bound. Program code: -
· Must be correctly structured.
· Use correct syntax.
· Contain appropriate documentation.
· Contain suitable error handling, and,
· Meet all program specifications.

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