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From: Toon Knapen (toon.knapen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-12 03:50:05

> The only thing I'm using Boost in at the moment is a personal project
> that's sufficiently large and long-term that I'm confident in expecting
> Boost to be fairly mature and available in instant-install form (e.g.
> RPM) before I'm ready to release. In Boost's current form, I would never
> use it in any project intended for either open source or in-house
> distribution (i.e. anything involving giving other people my source)

I am !

> because installing and building Boost is currently far too complicated
> to expect people who aren't interested in Boost itself to go through it.

I'll let you know in a few months when we've released everything on the net.
My current experience is that developers need much convincing once
they've been pointed out the advantages. My partner even changed the
build sytems for all their proprietary software to Jam and no complaints
so far.


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