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From: David Abrahams (david.abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-10-26 12:14:41

That goes much further than neccessary, but it's better than not going far

P.S. I happen to be in Redmond (at a Microsoft facility!) at this very
moment ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Daniel" <cpdaniel_at_[hidden]>

> Maybe those guys in Redmond aren't as backwards as some people suggest -
witness the #include guards that the MFC
> AppWizard creates:
> #define AFX_CLIENTCERT_H__C6D93B61_235F_40E8_8F64_0BA3BF4B1B21__INCLUDED_
> Pretty much guaranteed to never collide with anything in this universe.
This isn't something I've done in my code, but
> after seeing this thread, I think it's time to start.

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