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From: tom.widmer_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-10-31 09:19:50

Hi Boosters,

Any chance of adding support for the Dinkumware's Abridged C++
library to Boost? It consists of the semi-standard Embedded C++
library along with the STL.

A few new #defines would be needed, such as
NO_IOSTREAM_VIRTUAL_INHERITENCE (no fstream, iostream or stringstream
class - work around using ofstream and ifstream, etc),
NO_TEMPLATED_IOSTREAMS which means what it says - no basic_ios and
just ios.

I am considering using Dinkumware's Abridged lib with g++ on QNX soon
in order to bring down compile times and executable sizes (I am
currently using the full Dinkumware libs). I think the only change in
the boost stuff that I use is that lexical_cast needs fixing for no
stringstream - it can be easily (if less that optimally) implemented
in terms of ostringstream and istringstream.


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