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Boost :

From: Thomas Witt (witt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-11-19 09:30:59


MW CW7.0 C++ Version 2.4.5 build 199 ()
W2k Server SP2

CVS as of today.


*** libs/config/test/config_info.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/config/test/config_info.cpp
Metrowerks CodeWarrior C++ version 0x2405
    _CPPUNWIND [no value]
    __cplusplus =199711L
    _M_IX86 =500
    __STDC__ =1
    _WIN32 =1
    WIN32 =100
    _WCHAR_T_DEFINED [no value]
    _CPPRTTI [no value]
    _MT [no value]
    __STDC_VERSION__ =199409L
    __INTEL__ =1
    __i386__ =1
    __i386 =1
    i386 =1
    __MWERKS__ =0x2405
    __MSL__ =0x7001
    __MSL_CPP__ =0x7006
    __embedded_cplusplus =0
    __STDC_HOSTED__ =0


Metrowerks Standard Library version 0x7006


Detected Platform: Win32
    Type char is signed
    Type wchar_t is unsigned
    byte order for type short =0 8
    byte order for type int =0 8 16 24
    byte order for type long =0 8 16 24
    sizeof(wchar_t) =2
    sizeof(short) =2
    sizeof(int) =4
    sizeof(long) =4
    sizeof(float) =4
    sizeof(double) =8
    sizeof(long double) =8
    CHAR_BIT =8
    CHAR_MAX =0x7f
    WCHAR_MAX =0xffffU
    SHRT_MAX =0x7fff
    INT_MAX =0x7fffffff
    LONG_MAX =0x7fffffffL
    LLONG_MAX =0x7fffffffffffffffLL


Boost version 102501
    BOOST_DECL [no value]
    BOOST_HAS_FTIME [no value]
    BOOST_HAS_HASH [no value]
    BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG [no value]
    BOOST_HAS_STDINT_H [no value]
    BOOST_HAS_SLIST [no value]
    BOOST_HAS_THREADS [no value]
    BOOST_HAS_UNISTD_H [no value]

*** libs/config/test/config_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/config/test/config_test.cpp
no errors detected

*** libs/config/test/limits_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/config/test/limits_test.cpp
Testing bool (size 1) min: 0, max: 1
Testing char (size 1) min: -128, max: 127
Testing signed char (size 1) min: -128, max: 127
Testing unsigned char (size 1) min: 0, max: 255
Testing wchar_t (size 2) min: 0, max: 65535
Testing short (size 2) min: -32768, max: 32767
Testing unsigned short (size 2) min: 0, max: 65535
Testing int (size 4) min: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
Testing unsigned int (size 4) min: 0, max: 4294967295
Testing long (size 4) min: -2147483648, max: 2147483647
Testing unsigned long (size 4) min: 0, max: 4294967295

Testing float
IEEE-compatible: 1, traps: 1, bounded: 1, exact: 0
min: 1.17549e-38, max: 3.40282e+38
infinity: inf, QNaN: nan
hex value of max is: ffff7f7f
hex value of infinity is: 0000807f
hex value of qnan is: ffffff7f
hex value of snan is: ffffff7f

**** test failed: lim::has_signaling_NaN, file: limits_test.cpp, line: 99

Testing double
IEEE-compatible: 1, traps: 1, bounded: 1, exact: 0
min: 2.22507e-308, max: 1.79769e+308
infinity: inf, QNaN: nan
hex value of max is: ffffffffffffef7f
hex value of infinity is: 000000000000f07f
hex value of qnan is: 000000e0ffffff7f
hex value of snan is: 000000e0ffffff7f

**** test failed: lim::has_signaling_NaN, file: limits_test.cpp, line: 99

Testing long double
IEEE-compatible: 1, traps: 1, bounded: 1, exact: 0
min: 2.22507e-308, max: 1.79769e+308
infinity: inf, QNaN: nan
hex value of max is: ffffffffffffef7f
hex value of infinity is: 000000000000f07f
hex value of qnan is: 000000e0ffffff7f
hex value of snan is: 000000e0ffffff7f

**** test failed: lim::has_signaling_NaN, file: limits_test.cpp, line: 99

**** 3 test errors detected

**** returning with error code 201
********** errors detected; see stdout for details ***********
Return code: 201

*** libs/any/any_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/any/any_test.cpp
[default construction] passed
[single argument construction] passed
[copy construction] passed
[copy assignment operator] passed
[converting assignment operator] passed
[failed custom keyword cast] passed
[swap member function] passed
[copying operations on a null] passed
8 tests: 8 passed, 0 failed

*** libs/array/array1.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/array/array1.cpp
size: 6
empty: false
max_size: 6
front: 42
back: 47
elems: 42 43 44 45 46 47
copy construction and copy assignment are OK

*** libs/bind/bind_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/bind/bind_test.cpp
no errors detected

*** libs/bind/mem_fn_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/bind/mem_fn_test.cpp
no errors detected.

*** libs/concept_check/concept_check_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -c -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/concept_check/concept_check_test.cpp

*** libs/concept_check/class_concept_check_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -c -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/concept_check/class_concept_check_test.cpp
### mwcc Compiler:
# File: ..\libs\concept_check\class_concept_check_test.cpp
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 24: g_intEqualityComparableConcept< & EqualityComparableConcept <int>::constraints> concept_checking_typedef_intEqualityComparabl
# Error: ^
# internal compiler error: File: 'CManglerX86.c' Line: 547

Errors caused tool to abort.
Return code: 1

*** libs/concept_check/concept_check_fail_expected.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/concept_check/concept_check_fail_expected.cpp
### mwcc Compiler:
# In: ..\boost\concept_check.hpp
# From: ..\libs\concept_check\concept_check_fail_expected.cpp
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# 260: require_boolean_expr(a == b);
# Error: ^
# illegal operands 'foo' == 'foo'
# (instantiating: 'boost::EqualityComparableConcept<foo>::constraints()')
### mwcc Compiler:
# 261: require_boolean_expr(a != b);
# Error: ^
# illegal operands 'foo' != 'foo'
# (instantiating: 'boost::EqualityComparableConcept<foo>::constraints()')

Errors caused tool to abort.
Return code: 1

*** libs/concept_check/class_concept_fail_expected.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/concept_check/class_concept_fail_expected.cpp
### mwcc Compiler:
# File: ..\libs\concept_check\class_concept_fail_expected.cpp
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# 25: g_fooEqualityComparableConcept< & EqualityComparableConcept <foo>::constraints> concept_checking_typedef_fooEqualityComparabl
# Error: ^
# internal compiler error: File: 'CManglerX86.c' Line: 547

Errors caused tool to abort.
Return code: 1

*** libs/conversion/cast_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/conversion/cast_test.cpp
Usage: test_casts [n], where n omitted or is:
  1 = execute #1 assert failure (#ifndef NDEBUG)
  2 = execute #2 assert failure (#ifndef NDEBUG)
Example: test_casts 2

NDEBUG is not defined

Beginning tests...
caught bad_cast
caught bad_numeric_cast #1
caught bad_numeric_cast #2
caught bad_numeric_cast #3
caught bad_numeric_cast #4
caught bad_numeric_cast #5
0 errors detected
Test passed

*** libs/conversion/lexical_cast_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/conversion/lexical_cast_test.cpp
[lexical_cast<std::string>] passed
[lexical_cast<int>] passed
[lexical_cast<char>] passed
[lexical_cast<double>] passed
[lexical_cast<bool>] passed
5 tests: 5 passed, 0 failed

*** libs/crc/crc_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/crc/crc_test.cpp
Doing test suite for CRC-CCITT.
        Doing computation tests.
        Doing interrupt tests.
        Doing error tests.
Doing test suite for CRC-16.
        Doing computation tests.
        Doing interrupt tests.
        Doing error tests.
Doing test suite for CRC-32.
        Doing computation tests.
        Doing interrupt tests.
        Doing error tests.
Doing timing tests.
        Boost-Basic CRC-32: 6369 runs, 3.145 s, 2025.12 run/s
        Boost-Optimal CRC-32: 65536 runs, 1.702 s, 38505.3 run/s
        Reference CRC-32: 65536 runs, 1.272 s, 51522 run/s
        The optimal Boost version is 25.2644% slower than the reference version.
        The basic Boost version is 96.0694% slower than the reference version.
        The basic Boost version is 94.7407% slower than the optimal Boost version.
Doing CRC-augmented message tests.
Doing one-bit polynominal CRC test.
Doing functional object interface test.
no errors detected

*** libs/function/test/function_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/function/test/function_test.cpp
no errors detected

*** libs/functional/function_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/functional/function_test.cpp
1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 1
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*** libs/graph/test/graph.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/graph/test/graph.cpp
tests passed

*** libs/integer/cstdint_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/integer/cstdint_test.cpp

*** libs/integer/integer_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/integer/integer_test.cpp
no errors detected

*** libs/integer/integer_traits_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/integer/integer_traits_test.cpp
Checking bool; min is 0, max is 1
Checking char; min is -128, max is 127
Checking signed char; min is -128, max is 127
Checking unsigned char; min is 0, max is 255
Checking wchar_t; min is 0, max is 65535
Checking short; min is -32768, max is 32767
Checking unsigned short; min is 0, max is 65535
Checking int; min is -2147483648, max is 2147483647
Checking unsigned int; min is 0, max is 4294967295
Checking long; min is -2147483648, max is 2147483647
Checking unsigned long; min is 0, max is 4294967295
Checking int64_t (possibly long long); min is -9223372036854775808, max is 9223372036854775807
Checking uint64_t (possibly unsigned long long); min is 0, max is 18446744073709551615
no errors detected

*** libs/math/octonion/octonion_test.cpp ***

** Metrowerks CodeWarrior
mwcc -o boosttmp.exe -maxerrors 10 -cwd source -I- -I.. ../libs/math/octonion/octonion_test.cpp
Please input an octonion...
You have entered the octonion (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

Compiler Status: win32

Compiler Status: win32

Run Date: 19 Nov 2001 14:16 GMT

System Configuration: Microsoft Windows 32bit

Program Test
libs/config/test/config_info.cpp run Pass
libs/config/test/config_test.cpp run Pass
libs/config/test/limits_test.cpp run Fail
libs/any/any_test.cpp run Pass
libs/array/array1.cpp run Pass
libs/bind/bind_test.cpp run Pass
libs/bind/mem_fn_test.cpp run Pass
libs/concept_check/concept_check_test.cpp compile Pass
libs/concept_check/class_concept_check_test.cpp compile Fail
libs/concept_check/concept_check_fail_expected.cpp link-fail Pass
libs/concept_check/class_concept_fail_expected.cpp link-fail Pass
libs/conversion/cast_test.cpp run Pass
libs/conversion/lexical_cast_test.cpp run Pass
libs/crc/crc_test.cpp run Pass
libs/function/test/function_test.cpp run Pass
libs/functional/function_test.cpp run Pass
libs/graph/test/graph.cpp run Pass
libs/integer/cstdint_test.cpp run Pass
libs/integer/integer_test.cpp run Pass
libs/integer/integer_traits_test.cpp run Pass
libs/math/octonion/octonion_test.cpp run Pass
libs/math/quaternion/quaternion_test.cpp run Pass
libs/math/special_functions/special_functions_test.cpp run Pass
libs/pool/test/test_pool_alloc.cpp run Pass
libs/rational/rational_example.cpp run Pass
libs/rational/rational_test.cpp run Pass
libs/random/random_test.cpp run Pass
libs/random/random_demo.cpp run Pass
libs/regex/test/regress/regex_test.cpp run Pass
libs/regex/test/regress/wregex_test.cpp run Pass
libs/smart_ptr/smart_ptr_test.cpp run Pass
libs/static_assert/static_assert_test.cpp compile Pass
libs/static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_1.cpp compile-fail Pass
libs/static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_2.cpp compile-fail Pass
libs/static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_3.cpp compile-fail Pass
libs/static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_4.cpp compile-fail Pass
libs/static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_5.cpp compile-fail Fail
libs/static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_6.cpp compile-fail Pass
libs/static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_7.cpp compile-fail Fail
libs/static_assert/static_assert_test_fail_8.cpp link-fail Pass
libs/test/example/test_tools_example.cpp run Pass
libs/test/test/test_tools_fail2.cpp run-fail Pass
libs/timer/timer_test.cpp compile Pass
libs/tokenizer/examples.cpp run Pass
libs/tuple/test/tuple_test_bench.cpp run Fail
libs/type_traits/tests/alignment_test.cpp run Pass
libs/type_traits/tests/arithmetic_traits_test.cpp run Pass
libs/type_traits/tests/composite_traits_test.cpp run Pass
libs/type_traits/tests/cv_traits_test.cpp run Pass
libs/type_traits/tests/is_function_test.cpp run Pass
libs/type_traits/tests/is_convertible_test.cpp run Fail
libs/type_traits/tests/is_same_test.cpp run Pass
libs/type_traits/tests/object_type_traits_test.cpp run Pass
libs/type_traits/tests/transform_traits_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/call_traits_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/checked_delete_test.cpp compile-fail Pass
libs/utility/compressed_pair_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/counting_iterator_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/iterator_adaptor_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/transform_iterator_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/indirect_iterator_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/iter_traits_gen_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/iter_adaptor_fail_expected1.cpp compile-fail Pass
libs/utility/iter_adaptor_fail_expected2.cpp compile-fail Pass
libs/utility/iterator_traits_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/iterators_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/noncopyable_test.cpp compile-fail Pass
libs/utility/numeric_traits_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/operators_test.cpp run Pass
libs/utility/tie_example.cpp run Pass

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at