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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-11-29 08:41:40

On Thursday 29 November 2001 02:23 am, you wrote:
> I just checked in the fixes to isomorphism. Looks like it hadn't been
> tested with directed graphs, and there were a couple other mistakes as
> well. It now passes your test code. I also checked in a change to the test
> code to use the Boost.Random library instead of the stuff from stdlib.h.

I just updated the iosmorphism testcase again; this time the graph types are
different (adj_list<vecS, vecS, bidirectionalS> and adj_list<listS, listS,
bidirectionalS, property<int, vertex_index_t>) and it seems to have exposed
some more bugs. I fixed one typo, but I'm getting failures on graphs of size
50, edge probability 0.5.


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