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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-15 11:45:27

joel de guzman wrote:

> > Because:
> > 1. I think that parsing proper is not the most complex thing. It's
> > assigment to program variables and validation that was hard, at least for
> > me.
> Have you seen Spirit's semantic expressions?

Do you refer to "expr[ref(var)]". I don't think this is enough. Command line
parsing library must provide storage for values, validate them, handle
multiple assignments and so on.

Do you really think that Spirit will be great improvement to a command line
handling library? At this moment the hand-written code which deal with
parsing proper is only 44 lines.

> > 2. Spirit is nondeterministic recursive descent parser. I don't find this
> > is acceptable. We want to detect ambiguity in option specification.
> Not accurate. There are already more deterministic stuff going on.
> Ambiguity can be constrained. RD is an implementation detail.
> Research is now towards recursive ascent and even template-
> metaprogrammed-automata.

Is it already implemented?

- Volodya

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