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From: Jaakko Jarvi (jajarvi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-05 00:41:25

> 1. It would be more convinient to read and easy to grasp if you
> separate one big document on several small ones.

I plan to do that at some point.
I'm writing the docs as docbook xml, and this is still an intermediate

> 2. Is there any chances for BLL to compile on MSVC (or at least
> partaially)
With the current MSVC version, I very much doubt.
With some upcoming version in the foreseeable future, maybe (MS is
making progress)

> 3. What is the relation between LL bind and boost bind library?
Bind is basically a subset of LL.
Note however, that the implementations are different and not compatible.
There are some semantic differences (which the docs do not yet cover).
So while you can write:

boost::lambda::_1 + boost::lambda::bind(foo, boost::lambda::_2)

you cannot write

boost::lambda::_1 + boost::bind::bind(foo, boost::bind::_2)

Historically, LL existed prior to boost::bind and bind functions were
part of LL and had pretty much the same interface as current boost::bind.
This explains the overlap of the libraries.


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