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From: brangdon_at_[hidden]
Date: 2002-02-06 15:07:16

In-Reply-To: <CEE090158D061B489A86FB70011E30593B5ECE_at_[hidden]>
On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 10:17:00 -0500 Brey, Edward D (EdwardDBrey_at_[hidden])
> Now you're up to a hundred compilations of scoped_ptr. The whole point
> of the pch is to avoid recompiling the infrequently-changing
> headers each time your "regular" code changes.

And is scoped_ptr infrequently-changing?

I wonder if this debate is partly due to different answers to that
question. People actively working on boost probably think scoped_ptr is
rather unstable. Ordinary programmers, who update their local boost source
perhaps once or twice a year, probably think it is very stable.

That said, I favour fine-grained headers. Even though for me boost headers
are stable. There's not much difference between adding 1 header or 5
headers to a PCH. Either way it only gets done once. With all 5
fine-grained headers there explicitly, it's easier to see exactly what the
PCH is bringing in and what my project dependencies are. It can help when
copying code between projects with different PCH files.

-- Dave Harris

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