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From: bill_kempf (williamkempf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-08 11:23:58

> I would love if Bjorn could write the documentation for me. The
ideas are
> already explained in the sources, so it is just a matter of
formalizing and
> formatting it, perhaps using the new stuff submitted by Bill Kempf.
> I would also like Bjorn to take a close look (as closer as
possible) to the
> way range checking is performed when mixing float/integer and
> singed/unsigned types, since that's really tricky.

OK, I've received little criticisms for the uploaded documentation,
and the few responses have been positive. More over, there are at
least 3 people I know of who are starting to use the templates today,
despite the fact that it was only posted for comments. Sooo...

Is there real interest in these templates for general use (I assume
so since people ARE using them)? If so, should I place the files in
CVS where any developer with CVS write access can tweak things in
order to "finalize" the documents/templates before the next release?

Related to this, what are the key areas that need work in the
documentation/templates? Ones I'm aware of:

1) Need to add more detail about tutorials/examples, including
possible templates.

2) The index template either needs work to create a single template
usable for both very large libraries and for smaller libraries, or we
need multiple templates (or possibly an XML DTD and XSLT transforms
to generate various index styles).

3) Reference documentation needs a little more fleshing out for some
sections, such as macros, types, etc.

4) It might be helpful to include a page describing tools that can
help, such as tidy, HTML validators, editors, etc.

5) A History page template and design documentation should be added.

Bill Kempf

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