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From: rogeeff (rogeeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-19 01:09:56

--- In boost_at_y..., Thomas Witt <witt_at_i...> wrote:
> Gennadiy


> The main changes are:
> Added a const here and there.

The only placewhere I would agree to put const in constructor: const&
instead of value. You can't make class data members const. First of
all it prevent implementing mutable iterators and second you can't
even assign const iterator. Also I do not see any paractical reasons
in defining local veriables in 2 line inline function const. Do you?

> Added make_cycle_iterator with iterator position (+ only works for
> access iterators). What do you think about the interface.
Specifying three
> iterators seemed to error prone to me.

I do not like the idea by itself. Since you can't check that this
iterator position is in a range it could be very dengerous. For
example, surprisingly the following statement would be an infinite

v - some container

std::copy( boost::make_cycle_iterator( v ),
           boost::make_cycle_iterator( v.end(), v ),
           std::ostream_iterator( std::cout, "" ) );

I do not think you need this ability in a real life for cycle

> Removed make_cycle with container argument.

I think creating cycle iterator for container would be the most
frequently used feature. But we can't pass container by value. So we
need to choose between const/mutable reference. After some
consideration I would probably choose const version now.

> Thomas


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