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From: brianjparker (brianjparker_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-19 09:51:07

--- In boost_at_y..., "Herb Sutter" <hsutter_at_a...> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Pardon if this has already been discussed on the list, but I'd like
> feedback on this question: "What are the most needed or desired
features in
> C++ for modern library writing in general and Boost in particular?"
> Two usual suspects:
> - typedef templates
> - typeof (with gcc semantics?)
> What else should be on the list? For example, is there language
support that
> would assist type traits?

One little pure extension that I have found the need for several
times is to allow non-POD types to be members of *anonymous* unions
(possibly with the restriction that the first member is a POD). The
semantics would otherwise be unchanged, and in particular it would be
up to the containing class to construct and destroy non-pod members

The reason this extension is needed is to portably align memory for
both POD and non-POD types using the usual C idiom of a union of the
set of types to align, e.g.-

template<class A, class B, class C>
class my_union {

  //... constructors, assignment etc do placement construction and
destruction into buffer

  union {
   char buffer[MAX_SIZE_OF_A_B_C]; // aligned memory
   A a;
   B b;
   C c;

Note that there is no completely portable way to achieve the same
effect in the current language definition. (One can however devise a
non-portable kludge solution that returns a POD type with the same
alignment as a class (see alignment_of in "bjp_utilities*.zip" in the
files section)).

Note that this proposal is restricted to anonymous unions as they
must be members of a class which can then maintain a discriminant
field to ensure correct, safe access to the data e.g. see valunion in
the files section. This proposal would be dangerous if extended to
named unions as these can be used independently of a containing class
and so the correct construction and destruction of non-POD members
could not be guaranteed.

(see valunion and the allocators in the files section
in "bjp_utilities*.zip for examples where this would be useful).

,Brian Parker

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