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From: bill_kempf (williamkempf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-20 09:20:00

--- In boost_at_y..., "Steve M. Robbins" <steven.robbins_at_v...> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 08:16:22AM -0500, nbecker_at_f... wrote:
> > Portability. autoconf+automake require lots of support tools
that may
> > not be present on non-unix systems.
> True, but: "jam" is only a build system, while "autoconf+automake"
> a *configure* and build (and install) system. They are vastly
> different in scope.
> As for the support tools: newer apples (MacOSX) have them, cygwin is
> available for MSwin, I believe that BeOS has them, and of course all
> unix systems have them. That covers the systems listed in

Many of us work in shops that restrict what can be installed on a
system. It's easier to convince them to let us install a single,
small executable (jam.exe), or in some cases just boot strap Jam with
out their knowledge, then it is to convince them we need to install a
monolithic system such as cygwin. More over, why force a Unix
interface (cygwin) on non-Unix programmers?

The reality is, many of us simply can't use autoconf+make, so we
don't need other reasons such as the other benefits of Jam (recursive
make problems don't exist, easier to write then Make files, etc).

Bill Kempf

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