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From: David Abrahams (david.abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-21 11:53:22

----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl Nelson" <kenelson_at_[hidden]>

> Can I read this as "IF AND ONLY IF we have full perl equivelents of
> the shell tools required to autoconf can boost use it." ?
> If so where do I send the Perl scripts? :-)

As I've said before, please feel free to submit any full replacement for
Boost.Build that meets the design goals, if you're willing to take over
development of our build/test systems.

> I really really dislike Jam as the booststapping is a royal
> pain just to replicate what virtually every unix box has already.
> Perl tools for cp, m4, sed, awk, sh, which just enough support
> for auto* tools really should not be large or invasive.

Bootstrapping Jam is much harder than it should be, but only because we
haven't given it much attention. There's not that much going on and most of
the problems are easily soluble. If that's your major complaint I suggest
you volunteer to address it.


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