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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-26 04:29:58

Beman Dawes wrote:
> I've written a design document for a file system library. See
> It is still rough, but should serve to focus discussions.
> Comments appreciated.

The first thing is that it would be great to have some base filesystem class
which can be used to access different fs types. This would allow, for
example, accessing regular filesystem and HTTP/WebDAV server in a uniform

    void do_something(const URL& url)
        file_system* fs;
        if (url.scheme == "file")
                fs = new posix_file_system(....);
        if (url.scheme == "http")
                fs = new http_file_system(....);
        // do something with fs.

This will be impossible without a base class.

And a minor question: path operations include "stripping a leaf", which is
not the same as getting a parent. Is it possible to start with


and the get parent two time, to end up with:


Looks like no. And getting parent directory is a reasonable operation.

- Volodya

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