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From: rameysb (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-02-27 17:51:47

> >
> Does this mean that everything is serialized as text?
> If I have a long double value, will it be serialized as a text
> In this case, is it guaranteed that the de-serialized value will be
> identical to the serialized one? (this requires a careful fp<-
> conversion)
> Fernando Cacciola
> Sierra s.r.l.
> fcacciola_at_g...

Yes it does - everying is serialized as text - see the rational for
this with the documentation.

floats and doubles are rendered in the maximum precision the the C++
implementation permits. If the archive read by an implementation
that supports lower precision - data will be lost. This is not
addressable from this library.

In general there is no guarentee that floating/doulble values will be
exactly ported from environment to environment. Indeed it is
impossible to implement such a guarentee.

On the same environment - no precision should be lost.

Robert Ramey

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