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From: ysapir (ysapir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-07 18:23:33

Hi. I had suggested the use of function pointers. See:

This is better than just _1() since you can write code that looks as
if it uses the original bind: bind(some_func, _1, _2).

Peter Dimov didn't like this idea and since it's his library, it's
his decision. I also was concerned about the portability of such a
construct, that is, if I pass a function pointer to a function
returning X and there is a function pointer that returns X and
another that returns Y, how can I be sure that the compiler would
choose correctly, especially given the templated nature of the
entire library. Besides being possibly non-standard, it's probably
much harder to maintain, and perhaps conflicts with its use by the
lambda/tuple libraries.

If the static trick now implemented wouldn't have been available,
though, I probably would have maintained my own separate "msc6_bind"
making use of this function pointer trick since it _did_ work on
MSVC6 and so that I could use it in the precompiled header (sort of
a requirement imposed on my code) while still being able to write
portable code (portable in the sense that it uses the published
interface of the original bind).

Perhaps doing this would work for Borland and whatever need you have
now. You do have to rewrite the code though and take maintenance,
compatibility with the boost constructs, and any possible run-time
changes upon yourself. (It may be simpler now -- maybe you just
have to rewrite one of the template headers).


--- In boost_at_y..., "Fernando Cacciola" <fcacciola_at_g...> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jaakko Jarvi" <jajarvi_at_c...>
> To: <boost_at_y...>
> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 6:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [boost] bind placeholders/tuples ignore and BCB pch
> > > Another alternative which I also suggested is to get rid a the
> 'variable'
> > > and use an inline function: _1()
> >
> > The _1 could be a macro that expanded to _1(), or whatever ???
> >
> > Jaakko
> >
> Hmm... The macro would have to be named '_1'... but that as a
> symbol, this is likely to create a big mess.
> Fernando Cacciola
> Sierra s.r.l.
> fcacciola_at_g...

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