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From: dmoore99atwork (dmoore_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-07 16:24:58

I would like to apologize for sending a private message intended for
Bill Kempf to the list.

I found it interesting that after posting my Barrier class for the
threads library that I received private emails from four persons all
along the same theme of wishing that their favorite-thread-
concept "XXX" was also included in the thread library. Heck, that's
why I submitted barrier - I had a real need, and was delighted in how
easy boost::threads made it to implement.

As for the aforementioned "zealots" I can only sincerely apologize
and say that my comment was unnecessary and unwarranted. You were
all supportive of what I posted and then I went and put my foot in
it. Sorry. I look forward to taking a look at semaphores, spin
locks, more atomic types, etc.


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