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From: David A. Greene (greened_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-04-12 11:52:10

Powell, Gary wrote:

> Its really unfair to the library developers to have to justify every
> nuance of the implementation if they aren't really ready.

The other side of the coin is that they get feedback early on so
that fixes may be a bit easier to apply.

> Is there some hard rule that boost can't have two typelists? Why do we
> have to have one mega all encompassing solution to all problems? Isn't
> it possible to have a simpler typelist and a complex one? Screws and
> nails, each has a use.


> Also when we criticize libraries, we really come down hard on
> implementation and it seems to me that we forget about the interface,
> which as a user of a library is much more important.

The recent discussion of MPL _has_ focused on the interface. Writing
new meta-algorithms is an important activity supported by the library.


"Some little people have music in them, but Fats, he was all music,
  and you know how big he was."  --  James P. Johnson

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