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From: Alex Rosenberg (alexr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-04-18 19:26:24

on 4/18/02 11:56 AM, Gennadiy Rozental at rogeeff_at_[hidden] wrote:

> Could we list again issues preventing current Loki::SmartPtr to be accepted?

While I appreciate the flexibility of policy-based designs, I have serious
reservations about the overhead that comes with using policies as base
classes with multiple inheritance.

Unfortunately, empty base classes aren't free. Most smart pointers want to
be very small and low overhead.

Perhaps a C++0x extension could fix this:

class foo : public register empty_base { ... };

Here I'm using "register" since it already indicates that the address cannot
be taken, but any suitable indicator could be used to resolve this.

| Alexander M. Rosenberg <> |
| Nobody cares what I say. Remove the underscore to mail me. |

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