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From: Darren Kessner (dkessner_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-05-03 13:04:42


I've just recently discovered Boost, so please excuse
me if this topic has been discussed already. I have a
suggestion to make usage of boost::any for pointers
more natural.

My natural inclination is to use boost::any to hold
different types of pointers. Then, I'd like to check
the type of the pointer at run-time with behavior
similar to dynamic_cast:

  void test(any thing)
    A* pa = any_cast<A*>(thing);
    if (pa)

Unfortunately, any_cast throws bad_any_cast if thing
is not an A*. In this way, the behavior of any_cast
is similar to that of dynamic_cast, since thing is
being passed by reference. But the behavior is
dissimilar in that I (may) know that thing is really
holding a pointer, so any_cast should return 0 instead
of throwing.

My suggestion is to add an any_ptr class that holds a
pointer to something:

  class any_ptr
    template<typename T>
    any_ptr(T* p)
      thing_ = p;
    any thing_; // public for illustration

Then any_cast can be overloaded to behave like
dynamic_cast when passed an any_ptr:

  template<typename ValueTypePtr>
  ValueTypePtr any_cast(const any_ptr& operand)
    ValueTypePtr p = 0;

    try {
      p = any_cast<ValueTypePtr>(operand.thing_);
    } catch (bad_any_cast){
      p = 0;
    return p;

This works ok for me in simple tests, but I haven't
looked at what issues there may be in detail.


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