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From: Rozental, Gennadiy (Gennadiy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-14 11:35:54

> When looking at the current boost.test documentation from CVS
> I get a java script error on the index page when looking at it
> with IE 6.0. It's on line 56 and it complains about a missing
> curly brace.
Strange. I do not get any warnings here. Anyway I will look into this. Does
it work after you ignore warnings?

> And does the boost.test documetation _really_ have to use Jave Script?
I am using javascript extensively in all aspects, from simplifying
repetitive task to implementing some advanced features.
I strive it to be portable and work reasonably everywhere. Right now I am
sure it works for IE (and all clones) and mozilla.

> Why no plain HTML?
Why not plain text then?

> Markus


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