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From: Carlo Wood (carlo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-05 23:17:01

Ok... what about this:

# headerfile "demangler.h"

namespace boost {

  namespace demangler {
    // Stuff that I determine.

#ifndef BOOST_DEMANGLER_NOINTERFACE // Normally undefined.

  std::string demangle(std::string const& symbol);
  std::string demangle(std::type_info const& type);

  std::string demangle_symbol(char const* symbol);
  std::string demangle_type(char const* type);


} // namespace boost

The 'Stuff that I determine' will then of course
provide an interface that allows to pass an Allocator.
It will be an interface for (other) C++ gurus that
write C++ system libraries on a daily basis ;) :p
(not user-friendly, but powerful and flexible).

I am *completely* open for the interface outside
of namespace demangler, so just tell me what it
should be.

Carlo Wood <carlo_at_[hidden]>
PS As an example, here follows the implementation of
   the last two prototypes:
namespace boost {
demangle_symbol(char const* in)
  std::string result;
  bool failure = false;
  // <mangled-name> ::= _Z <encoding>
  char const* inp = in;
  if (*inp != '_')
    failure = true;
  else if (*++inp != 'Z')
    failure = true;
    ++inp;    // Skip 'Z'
    int cnt;
    if ((cnt = demangler::instance<std::allocator<char> >::
        decode_encoding(result, inp, INT_MAX)) < 0 ||	// Failure to decode encoding,
	inp[cnt] != 0)					//   or excess input characters?
      failure = true;
  if (failure)
    result = in;				// Failure to demangle, return the mangled name.
  return result;
demangle_type(char const* in)
  std::string result;
  if (in == NULL)
    result = "(null)";
    demangler::instance<std::allocator<char> > workspace(in, INT_MAX);
    if (!workspace.decode_type(result) ||	// Failure to decode type,
	workspace.current() != 0)		//   or excess input characters?
      result = in;				// Return the mangled name.
  return result;
} // namespace boost
from which you can see that the public interface
of the guru-stuff is:
namespace boost {
  namespace demangler {
    template<typename Allocator>
      class instance {
          static int decode_encoding(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, Allocator>& output, char const* input, int maxlen);
	    // Decode an encoding.  maxlen is the maximum length of the input string that will be read.  If input is
	    // zero terminated, then maxlen can be INT_MAX.
          explicit instance(char const* input, int maxlen);
	    // Create instance so you can call `decode_type'.
          bool decode_type(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, Allocator>& output, qualifiers_ct<Allocator>* qualifiers = NULL);
	    // Decode a type; qualifiers must be NULL if you are a mortal.
          char current(void) const;
	    // Read current input character (must be 0 after `decode_type' returns).

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