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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-13 14:41:09

At 02:35 PM 9/13/2002, Neal D. Becker wrote:

>I believe it is a bad idea to use file names such as "fstream.hpp"
>that are too similar to the standard names (fstream.h or fstream).
>The fact that this file is called ".hpp" doesn't even hint that it's
>real reason for existence is that it is part of boost filesystem lib,
>but is otherwise similar in function to <fstream>.

Well, it is really <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp> so that seemed to me to
be enough difference. It mirrors the namespaces, too, which are

But I'm not wedded to any of the header or other names. Propose something
else, and see what kind of reaction you get from others.

>Are we really limited to 8x3 file names?

No, neither Boost nor the C++ Standard Library is so limited. Probably a
good idea to limit the names as far as characters and length, but no need
to restrict to 8.3.


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