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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-10-31 16:51:13


I'm currently trying to port Boost.Bind to work on Sun compilers, and
I'm finding the structure of the code extremely difficult. Several
factors contribute, including:

   1. lack of comments

   2. the use of cryptic names (which I presume are designed to help
      avoid symbol-length limitations)

   3. The use of preprocessor macros not defined in the same file
      where they're used. Not a bad thing in itself, but it adds up...

If somebody (Peter) could write a short guide to the implementation it
might make things go much more smoothly. In particular it seems to be
having trouble dealing with mem_fn(some-data-member-pointer). I have
so far been unable to track down where member data pointers are
distinguished from member function pointers!

                    David Abrahams
dave_at_[hidden] *

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