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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-31 20:02:41

The "People" section of the web site currently has capsule biographies and
pictures for 30 people.

There should probably be two or three times that many people represented;
there are 54 developers with write access to CVS, and beyond those there
are lots of people who make important contributions to Boost without
actually ever touching the CVS.

While I very much want to continue the Boost tradition of capsule
biographies and pictures, we need to deal with some problems of the current

* The size of the pictures (20-30K for the big pictures, 3K for the
thumbnails) is a serious problem when we think of doubling or tripling the
number of people represented. The problem isn't an individual picture, but
rather the impact of all the pictures on the distribution .zip and .gz
files. The picture files also slow backups of the CVS tarball.

* Because getting the pictures ready is tricky, I've been the only one
doing it. That creates a bottleneck. Like so many other Boost activities,
we need to broaden this so any of the CVS regulars can add people.

It seems to me one solution is to move the pictures to some location other
than CVS. Probably the Boost SourceForge disk allotment.

The capsule biographies would stay on the CVS, and thus would continue to
be part of the web site and distribution files.

Because adding a new biography will be much simpler, anyone with CVS write
access would be able to do it. We'd have to write up a little guideline,
but that shouldn't be a problem.

A second solution would be to change to a smaller, lower-res picture. But
that just makes it all the harder to prepare nice pictures.



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