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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-24 16:40:28

At 02:20 PM 4/24/2003, Justin M. Lewis wrote:

>So, it's not a fear of a param being modified, it's a solution to not
>knowing what I'm looking at when I'm reading code. You may want the
>in the param to change, that may have been the original programmer's
>intent, but, it's impossible for me to look at function call and tell
>whether or not the params are being passed by value, reference, or
>const reference, all 3 look identical at the call.

Have you tried a program editor that shows the function prototype when you
hover over a function call?

I can remember some programmers I worked with talking about something
similar to your proposal a number of years ago, but they lost interest as
the class browsing features of C++ program editors became available.


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