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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-26 07:16:39

> I'm stumped. What do I need to #define to use boost::regex without
> any library? Or is that possible? I was under the (obivously incorrect)
> assumption that defining BOOST_REGEX_NO_EXTERNAL_TEMPLATES would cause the
> library to include the complete implementation inline (i.e. NOT in the
> library) - it doesn't seem to have that effect. I was also under the
> impression that defining BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB would suppress the automatic
> selection of a regex library in the link - it doesn't seem to have that
> effect (in fact, it seems that neither of these have any effect at all).
> What am I missing?

Define BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB if you want to link to your own build of the
library, rather than those built by the makefiles.

BOOST_REGEX_NO_EXTERNAL_TEMPLATES controls what goes in the lib, not whether
you need to link to it (there is non template code in there as well).


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