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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-18 09:33:41

At 11:19 PM 7/17/2003, Daryle Walker wrote:
>On our mailing list page, we mention:
>> For this list's members only, preliminary libraries under discussion
>> are available from the YahooGroups Files section (formerly called the
>> "vault").
>This was OK when the main Boost mailing list was on YahooGroups (which
>absorbed the original home of eGroups). However,
>1. The mailing list moved to a different server.
>2. Read-access to the "vault" was opened to all. (good thing)
>3. Write-access is only available to those who signed up back when we
>used YahooGroups? (confusing thing)
>4. We've talked about copying currently-reviewed material to our
>SourceForge web space. Should that be official? It may not be
>necessary because the current "vault" is world-readable. And in both
>spaces (I think), some people may need to ask another Booster with
>access to do the uploading for them.
>I think we need to clear up some things, and post the new policies to
>the web site.

Agreed. How about an additional directory that would resolve to

I'm swamped. Could someone else create the directory, upload the fixed
decimal library, and update the pertinent boost web pages in CVS?


Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at